Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 13:12:13 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 20gb (and others HD) drive noises

Karen R a écrit :

> Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 18:56:03 -0700
> From: Karen R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: 20gb drive noises
> After turning off the soundcard, I noticed that the drive
> seems to make lots of noises every time I access something
> on the drive, or do anything with the mouse. It is a Toshiba
> drive.
> It's seems like a quick scratching noise of some kind.
> Does anyone else's Toshiba 20gb drive make weird
> sounds when running programs or accessing stuff on it??
> The 4.1gb drive is very quiet... so am wondering.

The 740 Mb (MK0803) and 2.1 Gb (MK2105) were silent.
The MK4310 and MK4311 (4.2 Gb) have a little spin noise,
The MK6412 has a permanent spin noise.

Does the noise depend on the disk size ?

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