Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:33:34 +0100
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please help... reinstalling OS on 50ct...

>So, I badly need help and advices from experts, what can I do in this
>situation and how do I re-install Windows on Libretto

You should be OK copying CD to HDD via parallel port as you suggested
(although a PCMCIA NIC would be quicker (G)).

After you have copied all of the CD, delete or (rename and hide) C:\windows
and run setup. If install complains of existing OS attrib sys files and delete,
after you ensure you have a boot floppy to fall-back on of course.

Good luck - Keith

I recently installed Win 98 on my 50CT, but cheated as the drive was in
another laptop whilst it installed :-)

Dartford Kent UK
Tel/fax - +44 (0)870 4587037

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