Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 15:11:42 +0100
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wanted PCMCIA modem card lead for 50CT

Afternoon Neil,

>Can't help with the card - but I wish you luck. 

Thanks for that.

>I spent some time browsing the auctions before I could the 
>card I wanted *with* a lead - 

Yep, seems the cards and leads are far too easy to seperate: I have 
three LAN cards here (without leads).

>there are an awful lot without leads available so be careful looking :)

Cheers for the warning. The lead I have for the LAN part of the 3 COM 
3C562D/3C563D PCMCIA card certainly fits the modem port but obviously 
it is the wrong connector. :-)  Wonder if there is a RJ45 socket to BT phone 
plug adaptor and if there is, would it work?

Regards - Keith

Dartford Kent UK
Tel/fax - +44 (0)870 4587037

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