Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 16:59:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chris Kalos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hello Dave...

        What about the Fujitsu LX-S series?  I just saw one today, and
it's almost as small as my L110.  Only one PCMCIA slot, though.
        However, even cooler, is the LX-T, which is only marginally
bigger, and has a DVD drive.
        If anyone's tried either of these, dish!  Dish!!!  Seriously, the
LX subnotes may just become the proper replacement for the libby, as it's
been a tad... flaky.


On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Stacey Tenen wrote:

> Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:17:39 -0400
> From: "Stacey Tenen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Hello Dave...
> Hello Dave - 
> In answer to your questions, the L1 is larger than the 50ct in some ways, smaller in 
>others. It's much slimmer, but it is about an inch and a half deeper and, perhaps two 
>inches wider. I believe it to be lighter than the 50ct - but that is because of 
>excellent weight distribution over a larger area - to me, it's the lightest machine 
>I've ever had. 
> Regarding battery life... I'm still not certain I'm running it optimally. Certainly, 
>if a P75 is decent speed for your application, you can dial down the screen intensity 
>and the processing power to next to nothing and still have a clearer screen than the 
>50ct and enough horsepower to do what you're doing now - plus some. This should make 
>the battery life more than acceptable. While the 50ct is a nice little box, it's 
>nothing like the L1 as far as capabilities are concerned. I also appreciate the 
>keyboard as being among the best I've ever used - the 50ct is the worst. 
> As far as price is concerned; the L1 sells in Japan and Korea for approx 1300USD - 
>with 128MB RAM and 10GB Hard Disk (mostly because of the very strong dollar 
>overseas). I bought from a Korean guy who upgraded the RAM and the Hard Disk 
>(professionally, I might add) and shipped it to me international express for a total 
>of $2000. Yeah, seems like a lot, but Dynamism is charging $2300 for an un-upgraded 
>L1 - so this is a hell of a deal. Shipping alone cost me $100 - but it was worth it 
>because my new machine arrived without weeks of delay. If you'd like to know my 
>connection's information, drop me a line via email and I'll set you up.
> Regards,
> Stacey
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