Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 10:48:25 +0200
From: "Robbert J. van Herksen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Special PCMCIA Linux  driver for Libby70 floppy drive?

Hi folks,

Fighting with technology here,

Have huge problems with mounting my floppy drive under Redhat 7.0.

Someone advised me: this:

> Basically, the Libretto FD is non-standard, in that it is connected
> through the pcmcia slot.  Because of this, the "stock" install does not
> give you the ability to use the floppy drive.
> Someone on the Libretto list has written code that adapts the Linux kernel
> so you can use the FD.  I've not felt the need for a FD, so I haven't
> tried it.  I'd suggest searching the archives.

I would love to get in contact with this "someone" as I really need
floppy-access on my Libby.




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