Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 19:38:48 +0200
From: "Robbert J. van Herksen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Networking a 70CT

Question to you, Paul,

Did you manage to "slam" that USB PCMCIA card in the slot ALL the way???

Recently I wanted to be able to connect and download photo's from my SONY
DSC-P1 digital photocamera to my Libby (same as your one: 70 CT0
but I was even not able to put it inside. The was a kind of mechanical block
(a protruding plastic notch on the PCMCIA card)
and I gave up: no cardbus compatibility on a Libby 70.

Life can be hard!!



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 19:10
> To: Libretto
> Subject: Networking a 70CT
> Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 12:57:17 -0500
> From: "Paul Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Networking a 70CT
> Well, I'm receiving the digest and have read a bunch of the archives and I
> still can find no info on exactly how one submits an email to the
> list, so I
> will just try a reply and see what happens.
> Among the bunch of computers here is a Libretto 70CT that I
> bought my wife a
> few years ago and that we refer to as 'Baby'.  I have the other three
> functioning computers on a HomePNA network that works pretty well.  The
> other laptop interfaces via a USB port network card.  I wanted to
> be able to
> put Baby on it too, so I upgraded Baby to Win98 and bought a PCMCIA to USB
> interface for it.  Didn't work.  The card worked in the other
> laptop but not
> in Baby and I didn't know why, so I just gave up on it for a while.
> Recently I discovered the digest and figured, hey, I can ask these folks.
> Well, digging thru the archives I found the explanation that the
> 70 doesn't
> support cardbus and cardbus is necessary to support USB.  So, that is
> settled.
> Still, I would like to be able to get Baby on the network, mainly just for
> file management and upgrading.  A direct PCMCIA or parallel port HomePNA
> interface would be good but I've never encountered either.
> Anyone have any
> ideas on how to network an L70CT?
> -----Paul-----
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