Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 21:19:15 +0100
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lib70 (installing win 98)

Evening scott,

>have a new (used) l70, that has alot of data on it and is win 95
>any problem wiping the drive and putting win 98 on it? or just putting

I "upgraded" my L50 to Win 98 without any real problems.

Ensure you keep a copy, or download new copies, of drivers e.g. display
(graphics) and floppy disc.

With the 50 (and presumably the 70) you will need to link up (network) to
another PC to access the CD (unless of course you have a PCMCIA or parallel port
drive; in which case you'll need the driver for this on a bootable floppy disc).

Good luck - Keith

Dartford Kent UK
Fax -  +1 561 8280311

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