Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 11:44:57 -0500
From: Pres Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] APM to ACPI update

> Oh ya, and you actually set what the panel close and power button do
through Windows power management and NOT the hairy lightbulb. You also need
to enable hibernation again in Windows power management.

I don't agree, although I am probably wrong since my hibernation is not too
reliable, but:

What *I* found was the "power saver driver for Windows 98" is very little
( 35k ) and all it does is install pwrsvr.vxd and a new profile in Win98
Power Manager called "Toshiba" which is pretty much always-on. Therefore,
and this experience is repeated on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4320, Toshiba
gets pissed if Windows does the power management, they prefer that Windows
is "always on-do nothing" and have the hairy light bulb in charge. Which is
fine with me, because the HLB does, and Windows does NOT, have different
uses for panel close depending on whether or not you are on battery, and
also display brightness management which is important in dark rooms or cars
at night.


Pres Waterman W2PW
c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
Long Island Ford and Kia dealer


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