Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 17:35:54 EST
Subject: Re: [LIB] Toshiba's $9 battery charger deal

In a message dated 4/2/2002 2:50:45 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> Hi Lee,
>  Sri, still slightly confused (I'm new to Libbys) ..
>  So, does it use my existing charger and or does it have it's own charger 
> built in?

Assuming you mean AC adapter rather than charger (?), and assuming you have a 
L50, no AC adapter is required (in fact you GET one with the charger, sort 
of).  The charger receives 100-240V AC, charges a L50/70 battery if inserted, 
and passes through transformed (DC) power enabling you to, with the supplied 
additional cord, hook up your L50 to the charger's output and run it.
>  Also, are you absolutely sure it will take my 50CT std and HiCap batts?

Absolutely, positively, no element of doubt whatsoever (convinced? :-)  I 
have charged 2 brand new PA2498U batteries myself.  The charger was 
manufactured expressly for the L50/70, then Tosh added the PA2504U adapter to 
facilitate charging L100/110 batts.
>  All the best ..
>  T i m


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