Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 10:29:47 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] display brightness

> > OTOH, the flourescent is *very* tightly bound - it's screwed and glued and
> > taped and generally very cuddled up to the screen :-)
>But it does come apart. A little fingernail polish remover or windex works
>well to loosen glue. Do you know the address of the dimmer for the
>backlight? Is it possible to completely shut it off? Is there any kind of
>sdk availible for the libretto series?

Dunno about an SDK but you might want to look to the Linux community and 
see if you can find some bits of source code that might help ... IIRC it IS 
possible to get Linux to control APM such that you CAN get some control of 
the backlight (at least I remember reading something to that effect on a 
webpage somewhere when I was looking for how to get Linux working on my 
L50) ...

- Raymond

P.S. I'm running a bit behind on the list, apologies if I'm answering 
questions that have already been answered!


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