Date: Sun, 5 May 2002 09:54:02 +0100
From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: spoofing (was Re: [LIB] W32.Klez.gen@mm virus floating around?)

>Looks like someone on this list has a computer that is spoofing MY email
>address ... I've just received more bounces claiming I sent a virus to
>other people ... problem is I've searched my hard drive for occurrences of

FWIW - I too have received a number of such bounced emails; although as it is
not to the email address I use for the list; I don't think it is connected as

I've sent copies to abuse@<provider>, but doubt if they will do much.

Regards - Keef (50CT with 32MB and a 6GB HDD, but no focal-length (to speak of

Location: Dartford Kent UK

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