Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 10:33:33 +0200
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Floppy drive and Linux

neil barnes a écrit :

> > >Its a Linux driver, why decompress it under Windows? Just use 'tar -xvf
> > ><blah>.tar.gz'.

When you want to use it, you must compile it, and run with a home-compiled kernel.
If you want only to read it, that's different.
This driver has been written for linux, and run not only on Toshiba Libretti,
but also on Fujitsu Point 510, and others ?

> >
> >I am not running Linux. I am interested in it because I want to port
> >it over to eCs. eCs doesn't have a floppy driver for the Libretto and
> >its a real pain to run without a floppy. Its difficult to install the
> >operating system and programs.
> I think you may have problems - I think it's only available as a binary

Yes, for Win$ drivers

> cos
> YEData only released the card info under a non-disclosure agreement. So,
> source for the goose might not be source for the gander. (sorry!)
> Neil

Neil !! Linux driver is GPL !

> p.s. what's eCs?

The falsely dramatic drives out the truly dull.

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