Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 01:03:33 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Charging problem

Hi Lee,

Sorry about the delay responding... I've had a few crises that have taken a bit ot time to deal with.

I've been travelling, so I'll have to check out the various options for rebuilding this battery pack when I get home. Thanks for the suggestions though Lee... and yours Raymond.



In a message dated 7/29/03 5:20:38 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

> Can someone tell me which course is the cheaper way to go, rebuilding it
> from cells from a 50/70 battery, or buying new cells to replace the old ones
> if I rebuild the battery? Then of course there's Johns mega-battery
> solution I guess, but I'd really prefer not to spend that kind of money
> right now.
> Thanks,
> Matt

Depends entirely on the price you pay for a new PA2498UR pack. I bought 3
from an ebayer who didn't know what they were - cost $7 for the first 2, then
somebody bid up the last one to $20.

There're also some PA2503URs on ebay with apparently non-standard cells
giving 2600 mAh and selling for around $60.

This site:;

shows a JVC camcorder battery containing what appear to be the proper Li-Ion
cells for $6.95/pr, so about $21 for a battery case full. I emailed them for
dimensions, and they are very close to the size of the Panasonic cells in my
PA2503 packs. Haven't used them, though.


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