Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 03:37:10 +0000
From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FDD boot problem on 100CT

I've at this all day, running tests and searching the archives for an answer without luck. Now that the HDD in my 100CT has a fresh copy of W98SE, I'm finding that I'm >still< having problems with the floppy disk drive:

1. FDD boots the system erratically, not booting after many tries, and then suddenly booting fine.

2. While copying files copied in Windows from FDD to HDD, the FDD regularly locks up the system while the motor gets stuck seeking back and forth repetitively.

I just turned the darned thing off, left it for a while, and when I came back and booted the 100Ct from the FDD, it booted fine! Then I:

1. Booted the system from the quick booting EZ-Drive FD 10 times successfully, shutting down the system fully before each boot.

2. Immediately did 5 warm boots off the FDD until it failed reporting:

"Fatal: Could not load config file"

3. Fully shut the system down, then switched it on and successfully booted from the EZ-Drive FDD 10 more times.

4. Successfully booted from the EZ-Drive FDD 9-10 more times with warm boots, until it failed the 10th or 11th attempt.

5. Repeated #1 and #3 above successfully.

6. Replaced the EZ-Drive boot FDD with a full Windows boot FDD, and the boot process >immediately< failed (it's gone through 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of the way through the boot sequence many, many times before it will fail.)

After failing to boot the Windows FD, I couldn't get the EZ-Drive FDD to boot at all anymore.

7. Then booting from a minimal Windows boot FDD, the process stopped immediately with the DOS cursor just blinking.

8. Then booting from a 2 Partition Magic FDD set, the 1st FDD booted fine, the 2nd displayed PM's copyright, and immediately failed with the message:

"Sector not found reading drive A: - Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail"

9. The system sat running with that last message on the screen while I was writing. Just put the EZ-Drive FD in the FDD, hit Crrl-Alt-Del, warm-rebooted, and EZ-Drive booted fine.

I'm throwing in my towel for the day. Maybe someone has seen this before. Corrupted BIOS???

All feedback much appreciated!


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