Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 17:40:22 -0700
From: Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] HELP - Can't Make Image of New Hard Drive

Thanks Matt for your help!

on 5/29/04 4:49 PM, Matt Hanson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 23:48:57 +0000
> From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Re: HELP - Can't Upgrade to Win98 From Win95 - SOLVED I
>> From: Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Meanwhile, broke down and bought one of the Hitachi 60GB 7200 RPM drives
>> and installed it. Works great!
>> Only issue now relates to my partitioning new drive with PartitionMagic
>> before installing Win98SE. Put drive in external FireWire case and
>> connected it to my other laptop to partition.
> What exactly did you do with the new HDD connected via a firewire case to
> your other notebook?  You said you partitioned it.

I used PartitionMagic8 to partition it into 2 partitions, one primary and
one other.

> * While partitioning, did you allow for the Lib BIOS hibernation space at
> the 8GB boundry on the new HDD?

WHOOPS!.... ;-)

Just made the first partition about 40GB....
> * Did you load the Windows 98SE installatioin files onto the new drive via
> your other notebook, then put the new HDD in the Libretto and install the
> OS?

That's correct.
> * Did you install drive overlay on the new HDD like EZ-Drive to enable
> extended Int13 BIOS calls?

No, thought I didn't need to do this if I partitioned drive with
PartitionMagic (if I understand other posts correctly).
>> While Windows/Apps are working OK, when I tried using DriveImage to make
>> backup image to my new EXP CDRW-2400 drive, I get error message #626:
> Now is this using the new 60GB HDD in the Libretto set up with W98SE as
> above or some other method, and imaging to your old HDD in the EXP
> CDRW-2400?

Using the 60GB HDD in the Libretto with W98SE and imaging new HDD in the EXP

> If so... goto: $#^%@
> If not, are you trying to image a partition on your old HDD to the new HDD
> in the EXP CDRW-2400?

> $#^%@< I'm not familiar with DriveImage.  Does it work in DOS, Windows, or
> both?  

It works in Windows only I least it opens in windows then does
some prep work then restarts Libretto as I whether it reboots in
Windows or DOS, I don't remember exactly...

> If you're working in DOS from your Libretto, your problem may be
> that your Libretto can't see HHDs larger than 8GB in DOS without drive
> overlay.

> Your other notebook seems to be capable of seeing the entire 60GB of the new
> HDD.  Have you tried putting the 60GB HDD in the firewire case connected to
> your other notebook, and running DriveImage from there?
> Matt

Didn't think of that, but that's good idea!!

Although would be nice to get DriveImage working on Libretto...



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