Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 22:02:24 EST
Subject: Re: [LIB] Cryptic Message at Boot - W2K

In a message dated 1/19/2005 6:44:04 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> Okay... now I'm curious.  Did you go the way of installing those OSs
> without drive overlay?  I'll guess you did, and that you're not seeing the
> problems I've been having with W98's Scandisk finding data problems on
> partitions that W2K also accesses.  Unless you've set things up so they
> can't see each other's partitions or shared data partitions.
> Matt
Yes, no drive overlay.  I updated the BIOS to support W2K, installed W98se 
and then W2K.  Both OSs see the entire drive, and share data (and Program 
directories.  They even share a swap/pagefile partition.

This machine is 1999-vintage, so the BIOS probably supports >8GB drives.  As 
far as Scandisk goes, I rarely run it.  The L100 is very stable with W2K, and 
my extremely limited understanding of IDE HDDs suggests that it's not 
necessary to do more than the occasional defrag, which I do under W2K's Disk 


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