Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 21:15:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jim Drouillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIB] Power supplies (was Re: Libretto U-100)

> Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:03:58 +1000
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [LIB] Libretto U-100
> Some laptops like my
> current one even test 
> the adapter when you plug it in and will do things
> like disable 
> simultaneous charging and running if it detects an
> adapter that isn't up to 
> spec (not sure how it does it - it could briefly
> cause a current surge to 
> test the capabilities of the adapter or it may send
> some sort of data back 
> down the power cable to query some smarts in the
> adapter).

>- my Dell Inspiron 9300
> monster has a Pentium M 
> 2.0 and a GeForce 6800 but even when playing 3D
> games the base and air 
> vents only get mildly warm. In contrast, we've got a
> Sharp AL3DU at work 
> (Pentium M 2.0, GeForce 6600), the base of which
> gets uncomfortably hot 
> even when idling.
> </rant> :-)
> - Raymond
My own rant:  I have an Insprion 9200 (2.0 Pentium M)
and also a Targus universal AC/DC power adapter which
claims to be 120W (had this before the notebook).  I
got the powertip for my notebook (which is listed as
"power only - no charge").  I expected that this was
just a CYA disclaimer because that tip also works with
other lower-powered universal adapters which wouldn't
be able to provide full power but it does in fact
force the notebook into low-power mode (600 MHz, no
charging).  The BIOS says the power adapter type is
"not recognized" on boot.  Sounds like it's using
something other than the power delivery ability of the
supply to detect it.  I'd like to be able to fool it
into working at full power.


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