Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 07:50:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: comparing kernels versionns 2.4.xx to 2.6.xx

I finally switched back to kernel 2.4.29 for Slackware
(the base version). I remembered that the reason I
started using 2.6.xx versions was I couldn't get the
prism54 driver to run nativly in 2.4 (this was way 
back) but now its built in 2.4 so decided to switch
back. I remember with the 2.4 setup slackware uses I
was getting humungous battery life and nice memory
usage--I didn't get near that with 2.6 which however
could be my setup. One thing I have noticed
immeadiately upon switching back is hard drive usage
has dropped to nothing just like before--everything
seems to be running out of ram again -- running bash
shell I am using around 60MB of ram and with kde on
top of that 190MB. Much less than 2.6 which was using
around 290MB either with the shel or plus kde. That is
a real plus. don't know bttery life yet--let you
know--should be great--3400 mAh pack I'm thinking 7+
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or less usage? I think I was getting
around 6 with with my 3000Ah pack in my 110CT.


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