Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:18:40 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dead 100 battery pack... odd behaviour?

I'm wordering if the circuit board in this battery pack is bad, or if one or more of the cells are in fact dead.

Here's what happened:

* Ran Win98 'Eject PC' with the 100 in the EPR
* Pulled the Libby out
* The system shut down with no battery power

I pulled the battey out and put it in my 100 with the power attached and:

* The charging LED didn't come on either green or orange.

After some jockeying the pack a few times between the 2 Libs, and testing the power plug connections with a multimeter:

* Inserting the battery and connecting the power cord, the orange charging LED came on, and after 3-4 minutes turned green. But the system wouldn't even pretend to boot on battery power.

In Win98 I see the same. The power is shown as 98% for 3-4 minutes after I replace the battery, and then goes to 100%.

The voltage from the + power connector contact at one end to the - at the other reads 7.01v. The voltage from the + power connector contact at one end to the 7th contact down reads 4.41v

I see the voltages at those contacts on a good battery pack are 12.5v and 0.0v respectively.

Does anyone know if this means that there's bad cells, or there's a bad circuit board? I had just used the 110 on batteries a few days before, but I didn't time how long the system ran for. It was over an hour though.



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