Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:07:57 -0300
From: Jose Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: wakwaking my 70CT from hibernation

Hi all..
I'm thinking about giving a purpose for my retired 70CT ..
I'm thinking about putting it in my car's trunk and connecting to some
sort of in-dash LCD screen and a trackball and use it as a 15GB mp3
player ..
Here in Brazil we have the robbery problem and we must camouflage all
the hardware not to get them stolen, that's why the need to put it in
the trunk ..

My question is.. does anybody here have managed to make a Libretto wake
up without using the power button..??
I can put my libby to hibernate perfectly in Linux but there's no way to
wake it ... Pressing a mouse button to wake it would be all I want ...

Any help??

Thanks ..
JA Tavares

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