Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 16:10:51 +0200
From: "Avi Cohen Stuart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Succesfully installed Damn Small Linux (DSL)!

Hi Dan  
> I use TMPGenc4 to convert my divx movies to 2.5GB .mpg files. 
> I copy those onto the Libretto's harddisk. I'll try 
> converting them to ISO's though, because of the DVD-to-go 
> controls problem.

OK. A collegue of mine is using w98se with a NTFS driver and ISO images
in order to allow files larger than 4GB. He has a small w2k partition as
well for ripping the stuff.

> IO system verification error in stream.sys, I assume? I've 
> had my share of those WDM errors ;). I can imagine why 5 
> years is not enough to find a solution...

It has something to do with a STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK that has an IRP that
is finished already.
I'm currently reverse engineering the stream.sys using IDA Pro and the
newest Hex-Rays decompiler to crack this m*ther <beep>

> So for as far as we know, nobody got the Margi card to work 
> on a Libretto under Linux? 

I've had it running under 2.4 and currently under 2.6.22 or 23. Need to
I've updated the driver from

> By the way, isn't kernel 2.6 a bit on the heavy side for a 
> 110ct? Or is it still pretty fast?

I've stripped it a bit... And it is working as I can see pretty fast
even with X windows which I need anyway.
The linux port also contains the full load of Zoomed Video support as
well. Which means that before I got again burned with the stream.sys I
reversed engineered the Video Port part of the Neomagic driver. When I
get the time (which is hard... 4 kids) I'll post my findings...
I'm using ripped DVD's to the HD (120Gb currently...) to do dvd

I'll prepare in the near future a patch for 2.6

Yes, I'm currently probably the only one who has the libretto with linux
and margi dvd-to-go with Zoomed Video. And I'll have to thank a lot of


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