Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:27:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OPD: Dan's Basiclink Libretto List?

--- On Tue, 8/19/08, Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wow, it's been so long since I've posted to this
> list I didn't even have 
> a profile set up to send email from this account anymore!
> >_<

Hi Raymond!  Good to know you didn't fall off the edge of the world down there 
in Ozzyland.  The list sure has been dead.  But I guess everyone still onboard 
has either played out any issues long ago, or like me, is just curious what 
might be popping up.  And the Kohjinshas look to me the best replacements for 
our old Libbys than anything I've ever seen.  An old Lib sized notebook with a 
DVD drive, a relatively fast CPU, reasonable memory, et al, looks great.
> I've got the eee 900, very nice little machine and the
> 20GB model (4GB 
> inbuilt SSD on the motherboard + 16GB plug-in installed)
> was less than 
> $500AUD with Xandros Linux (which quickly got the boot in
> favor of 
> Kubuntu) ... 

I read where Asus has a 900 series model coming out with essentially all the 
same components as this, but with the Intel Atom 1.3MHz CPU.  

I see Amazon is now selling your model for $439.63USD after a $100 rebate.

> the SSD is nice in that you don't need to worry about 
> thumping it around although it is a bit creepy in that you
> can't hear or feel the hard drive going ... 

This is the future.  No mechanical drives to freeze up from dropping the 
notebook.  Quiet for me is fantastic, esp for listening to music through 
external speakers.

> true it isn't going to store all your 
> multimedia files but I have a Hyperdrive Colorspace O for
> that :-D


> The Kohjinsha UMPCs are looking very tempting though and are going back 
> to Libretto-like in size (especially the models without inbuilt optical 
> drives) ... and amazingly they also pack a 1.3GHz Atom, 2GB of RAM, 
> proper hard drive (could be good or bad), flip/swivel touchscreen, 
> webcam, a couple of USB ports, 3-in-1 cardreader, ExpressCard slot, GPS 
> and TV tuner! O_o Goodness knows how they manage to fit all that in ...

Okay... I'm hooked Raymond.  I've done some reading.  There are a number of 
models.  And it's frustrating that there are new models being sold online that 
aren't even listed on the Kohjinsha website.

Here's Conics offering:

They list SR, SC and SX lines there.  But if you click the specs dropdown on 
the Kohjinsha website, they only list SR, but then SH and SA lines.


* The TV tuner is useless, as it only works in Japan
* The GPS is only available on specific models.
* There seems to be no model with both GPS and a DVD drive (space?)

The R8KPO6A on Conics is listed as measuring 233 x 177 x 33mm even WITH the DVD 
drive. That's amazing to me. The 110s are 210 X 132 X 35mm.

But the SR8KPO6A only has a 800MHz Intel A110 processor.  However the SX3WP06MA 
at Conics has that Intel Atom 1.3MHz CPU you mentioned Raymond.:

Now of course I'm immediately thinking, are they working on a SR8KPO6A 233 x 
177 x 33mm sized model with the Intel Atom 1.3MHz CPU?  Somewhere along the way 
I found this EBay Kohjinsha auction:

Also in the Ebay store here:

That auction shows a Kohjinsha SX3 model SX3KP06MA with the Atom 1.3MHz that 
from the pictures looks identical in size to the SR8KPO6A over at Conics.  But 
something's wrong there.  The specs on the EBay auction lists the dimensions 
for the SX3KP06MA as 189mm (W) x 155mm (D) x 25.4~33mm (H).  That can't be.  

I've seen this on EBay before where a seller will use the same picture when 
selling 2-3 different products in then same basic line, say SX here, but that 
are different specific models.  Like the SX3KP06MA in that auction, and the 
SX3WP06MA from Conics... the difference between the two being the 4th character 
where the W and K are transposed.

I've written the seller about the discrepancy, and I'm guessing the SX3KP06MA 
in that auction is going to end up having the same dimensions as the SX3WP06MA 
on the Conics site.  I hope I’m wrong though!

I’m still at a loss for an explanation for why Kohjinsha has newer models being 
sold online than they list on their website.  And why there’s no mention of the 
SC and SX model lines there, not even in the support menus.  Guess that begs 
the questions, how reliable are these computers, and how good is Kohjinsha 
support?  Reality may prove something different than the 1st enticing specs and 

Still, these are the most attractive Lib replacements I’ve seen come along.  
Thanks for pointing them out Raymond.

And oh… Dan’s server >is< still messed up.  I’m getting posts on my Yahoo 
account that aren’t coming to my Hotmail account.  The reply to David’s post I 
sent about a week ago from my Hotmail account never came back, but it did 
arrive at this Yahoo account.  So there’s probably people out there who either 
aren’t getting any mail, which has happened to me in the past, or who aren’t 
getting all of the posts.


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