
This is to let you know that Hydra build 3031413 of job 
gnu:libtasn1-master:build has changed from 'Success' to 'Failed'.

Complete build information can be found on this page: 

The last 50 lines of the build log are shown at the bottom of this email.

A summary of the build information follows:

Build ID:              | 3031413
Nix name:              | libtasn1-3.0
Short description:     | Native Nix build on i686-solaris
Maintainer(s):         | libtasn1-commit@gnu.org
System:                | i686-solaris
Derivation store path: | 
Output store path:     | 
Time added:            | 2012-09-14 02:58:55
Build started:         | 2012-09-14 02:58:10
Build finished:        | 2012-09-14 02:58:55
Duration:              | 45s

The build inputs were:

Name        | Type   | Value
hydraConfig | git    | 
libtasn1Src | git    | 
nixpkgs     | git    | 
tarball     | build  | 3031212
system      | string | i686-solaris


The Hydra build daemon.

            name:value  type:ANY
          name:?1  type:SEQUENCE
            name:type  type:OBJ_ID  value:
            name:value  type:ANY  value:130945696e64686f76656e
        name:?3  type:SET_OF
          name:NULL  type:SEQUENCE
            name:type  type:OBJ_ID
            name:value  type:ANY
          name:?1  type:SEQUENCE
            name:type  type:OBJ_ID  value:
            name:value  type:ANY  value:13024e4c
    name:subjectPublicKeyInfo  type:SEQUENCE
      name:algorithm  type:SEQUENCE
        name:algorithm  type:OBJ_ID  value:1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
        name:parameters  type:ANY  value:0500
      name:subjectPublicKey  type:BIT_STR  
    name:extensions  type:SEQ_OF
      name:NULL  type:SEQUENCE
        name:extnID  type:OBJ_ID
        name:critical  type:BOOLEAN
          name:NULL  type:DEFAULT  value:FALSE
        name:extnValue  type:OCT_STR
      name:?1  type:SEQUENCE
        name:extnID  type:OBJ_ID  value:
        name:critical  type:BOOLEAN
          name:NULL  type:DEFAULT  value:FALSE
        name:extnValue  type:OCT_STR  value:30060101ff020100
      name:?2  type:SEQUENCE
        name:extnID  type:OBJ_ID  value:
        name:critical  type:BOOLEAN
          name:NULL  type:DEFAULT  value:FALSE
        name:extnValue  type:OCT_STR  value:03020204
  name:signatureAlgorithm  type:SEQUENCE
    name:algorithm  type:OBJ_ID  value:1.2.840.113549.1.1.4
    name:parameters  type:ANY  value:0500
  name:signature  type:BIT_STR  
PASS: crlf
PASS: threadsafety
1 of 9 tests failed
Please report to help-libta...@gnu.org
make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
build time elapsed:  0m0.035s 0m0.022s 0m23.419s 0m14.019s
Copying build directory to 
build failed with exit code 2 (ignored)

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