To the other developers:  Since this is an annoying bug for many people,
are you ok with another point release of 1.5.x?  Say, weekend after
next?  If you want me to do it: how do I read up on getting write
approval for uploading?

* Damien Carbery wrote on Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 12:38:49PM CEST:
> I am building Gnome from HEAD (Gnome 2.11?).
> Without changing my version of libtool (1.5 (1.1220 2003/04/05
> 19:32:58)) some modules have started breaking with the following
> error:
>  ld: fatal: option -z has illegal argument `-Wl,allextract'
>  ld: fatal: option -z has illegal argument `-Wl,defaultextract'
> I upgraded to libtool 1.5.14 but no change.
> This appears to be caused by:
> Any suggestions welcome.

Stupid brown bag present in 1.5.14, fixed since in CVS branch-1-5
(and all other branches, FWIW), and AFAIK not present in 1.5.10.


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