
Peter Rosin <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 08:50:16AM +0100, Duft Markus wrote:
> (minor notes for the wgcc patch:
>  1. I would drop the PARITY_CFLAGS variable and instead use
>           symtab_cflags="$symtab_cflags -xc++"
>     in the parity case for the above hunk.

Yay.. Of course you're right, that would be much nicer :) i will change
this, as soon as we have that git branch (and i got git under interix
working :)), since i don't want to mess with the patch now that i
submitted it...

>  2. You seem to have a non-standard tab width (2?), and are thus
>     messing up the indentation. Please use 8 column tabs.
> )

Arg, yes, normally i switch tabwidth to 8 when editing libtool files,
but sometimes i forget. We use 4 in our company, which i have to keep
using as default.

Cheers, Markus

>> Another thing: maybe it would be cool in some cases to use lib.exe
>> for parity too if it is found, and ar only as fallback. The reason
>> is, that the system ar from interix is sometimes failing to build
>> libraries with C++ objects inside (microsoft's name mangling
>> maybe?). Newer ars seem to work fine (but sometimes spit warnings),
>> but i cannot put binutils as a prerequisite for parity (also since
>> some part of binutils must be deativated, since they don't work).
> You could test with the first patch in my MSVC series [1] and
> reconfigure 
> with AR=lib. I'm not sure how that will work in the absence(?) of path
> translations (which are handled automatically by msys) but it's worth
> a 
> shot.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> [1] http://savannah.gnu.org/file/lib-as-archiver.patch?file_id=15170

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