На 19.05.24 г. в 9:28 ч., trcrsired написа:
From: cqwrteur <100043421+trcrsi...@users.noreply.github.com>

GCC folks ask me to submit it to upstream.


When building native GCC for the x86_64-w64-mingw32 host, the compiler copies 
its library DLLs to the `bin` directory. However, in the case of a multilib 
configuration, both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries end up in the same `bin` 
directory, leading to conflicts where 64-bit DLLs are overridden by their 
32-bit counterparts.

This patch addresses the issue by adjusting the installation path for the 
libraries. Specifically, it installs the libraries to separate directories: 
`lib` for 64-bit and `lib32` for 32-bit. This behavior aligns with how 
libraries are installed when creating an x86_64-w64-mingw32 cross-compiler 
without copying them to the `bin` directory if it is a multilib build.


In specified case shared library (DLL) must be installed into same location(path) as binary.

Specified OS lacks LD_LIBRARY_PATH or similar functionality. It uses PATH instead.
So proposed patch is conceptually wrong.

I'm sure that patch will break regression tests.
For sure cross-build libtool 2.4.6 tests pass in emulated environment (wine).


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