On Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 01:29:23AM -0600, Eric Lemings wrote:
> Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >  I could do it with the current scheme, and tweaking PATH
> > is all it takes for me to choose which one a certain package will
> > find.  I don't see how you'd accomplish that with a single pkg-config.
> I'll agree that storing all the data in one directory has its limitations.
> Still pkg-config has some options to do various checks on version numbers.  I
> think everyone would agree that the tool is far from perfect.  Probably why
> it's only at version 0.5.
> I was thinking that if the data maintained by pkg-config could somehow be
> added to the .la files and libtool could keep track (a registry perhaps) of
> installed .la files, that would just about cover everything that pkg-config
> currently does.  Some of this data is already in the .la files I believe.

Ick! If anything, pkg-config should use libtool. I don't think libtool
should *depend* on pkg-config at all. Libtool might be enhanced to
help pkg-config get at certain data but I hope it does no more than
that.  That said, *.la files are already easy to parse.

albert chin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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