On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 10:44:33PM +0100, Alexandre Duret-Lutz wrote:
> Strictly speaking automake does not know these dependencies.  It
> knows some dependencies, but because of the possibility to
> AC_SUBST variables for conditional linking, and doest not know
> exactly all of them (think libfoo_la_DEPENDENCIES = @SOME_LA@).
> However these dependencies are indeed known later at make time.

I had forgotten.  Bother.

>  Noah> If Automake generated an install target for installable
>  Noah> product, just as it generated a build target, would that
>  Noah> not solve this problem?  
> This sounds appealing, but wouldn't this imply that if two
> libraries depends on another one, the later will be installed
> twice?

Time stamp files would prevent that, but I don't know offhand how to handle
@FOO@ cleanly.  I'll play with a few ideas.  Thanks for the feedback.

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