On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, Ross Burton wrote:

I realise this isn't libtool 2.2, so I'm willing to believe there are further

What I notice from your timings is that libtool 2.1 takes much less system time than libtool 1.5.26-3 but the user time is quite similar. The real time is surely most important, and it seems that the real time is improved with libtool 2.1 but not very dramatically.

The mystery as to where the time is actually going is why I have suggested several times that there should be an effort to test libtool under a DTrace-enhanced shell (shell with a DTrace provider) and perform an analysis of what is being done and where time is being spent using dtrace. Even without a DTrace-enhanced shell, it is possible to see where time is going in a script using DTrace.

A DTrace-enhanced shell is going into OpenSolaris. See "http://blogs.sun.com/tpenta/entry/psarc_2008_008_dtrace_provider";.

Quite often when I profile a program I find that something quite unexpected is hogging the time and the fix is quite trivial. Perhaps we will find this with libtool as well.

For those of you who feel offended that I suggest using a tool which is only currently available under Solaris and OS-X Leopard, I find it to be no more insulting than a suggestion to run software under valgrind, which is only available under Linux (and sometimes on FreeBSD).

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/


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