On Sun, 7 Jun 2009, Ralf Wildenhues wrote:

* Vincent Torri wrote on Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 12:28:23AM CEST:
On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Roumen Petrov wrote:
Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
But anyway, I don't see how the current git code generates C wrappers
for wince.

The host is usually xxx-mingw32ce and will match patterns like
{*-}*-mingw*, i.e. it will generate wrappers as for mingw32.

i have just sent a mail with a patch for that.

But the C-wrapper-code of current (my repository close is about one
month old) libtool  don't include error.h :
#ifndef __MINGW32CE__
# include <errno.h>

and if the patch os accepted, you can remove the 3 #ifndef __MINGW32CE__
that are in the wrapper for cygwin / mingw

Vincent, you're contradicting yourself over the course of this work.
I thought at one point we got the wrapper to work on mingwce.  I mean
that's the reason we added those __MINGW32CE__ ifdefs in the first

If so, then there was a misundestanding. The problem is that i reported the strangeness of the Windows CE OS (no errno, no environment variable) once and the thread died without answer on how to solve the problem.

So several months later, i try to fix the c wrapper myself, but it's a pain and is of no use anyway for cegcc framework.

 If they fail to work properly now, then we should fix *that*,

no fix, remove the c wrapper for the cegcc and mingw32ce host instead.

not hack around it.  Or you should come out straight and say "we tried
to get the wrapper to work, but it failed for reasons X and Y which we
cannot solve, so how about we punt and not generate a wrapper?".

again, using cegcc framework (that is cegcc and mingw32ce), i do not have environment variables, nor errno, nor curent working directory, nor spawn* functions, etc... That is, plenty of functions that are needed for the wrapper.

i am against a c wrapper for those 2 hosts. Even if there are simulators, they are all specific to a version of Windows CE. Developping for Windows CE is a pain, a real one. I have wasted my time to fix the wrapper without success. I don't want to spend more time for a dead end.


1) remove the wrapper for cegcc and mingw32ce host (see the patch i sent)
2) remove the #ifndef __MINGW32CE__ the in windows wrapper, they are useless.

Vincent Torri


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