Hi Peter,

On 13 Sep 2010, at 12:53, Peter Rosin wrote:
> Den 2010-09-13 05:46 skrev Gary V. Vaughan:
>> Do we still need to maintain .cvsignore files for a cvs
>> mirror of our git repo, or is it safe to remove them now?
> What on earth would .cvsignore be useful for in this day and age?

I had thought we maintained a readonly cvs protocol mirror from our
savannah git repo... although if we do, how to use it escapes me!

Allow me to rephrase the original email:

## --------------------------------------------------------- ##
##  I plan to remove all the .cvsignore files from our repo  ##
##  before the release next weekend unless someone asks me   ##
##                           not to :o)                      ##
## --------------------------------------------------------- ##

>> (I have a patch in my queue that tries to sanitize and
>> make equivalent our various ignore files -- but I see
>> that Chuck's recent patch added *.obj to the top-level
>> .gitignore without an equivalent *.obj addition to every
>> .cvsignore file)
> s/Chuck/Peter/

Oh, sorry, I shouldn't chunk through too many emails all at
once, or the memory gets fuzzy before I react to them :o|

Gary V. Vaughan (g...@gnu.org)

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