This is a good question. I plan on making a new release this month.

When I first adopted the project I ambitiously thought I'd manage to create a new release after about a month; but the truth is when I started doing a deep dive into the internals there was a lot of history and complexity for me to unpack. Things that are easy to overlook like how change-logs get generated, quirks in the testing framework, and tracing down disparate areas to align documentation took quite a while to navigate.

The good news is that I think I've got the confidence to push a release soon. One area that I was reading up on this weekend was whether the "alpha"/private releases of `libtool' might be appropriate, or whether I should just push a release immediately. I'll admit I am leaning towards just making a release to avoid the entire alpha process for the time being.

I appreciate you reaching out; I definitely want to get a release out before March.

On 2/2/22 1:21 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

can you estimate when you will be able to do a new release?  Just to
tell people that the project is still alive :-)


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