This is the device that is working on Windows and has been in production for
years (with Windows API calles), I am not develop the device, what I am
doing is use the device, simple read & write.

The exactly the same code work when running in single-threaded app.

when look at my libUSB code, did you see anything that should be changed?

I do not currently have a USB Analyze for Linux Right, but I did ran the
same code in Windows and it crashed the app, not sure if it will help here.
I attached my debug output and USB Trace here.

Please let me know if you see anything.

Thx a lot.

Here is my previous post:

I was wondering where you were? Anywhere I am so glad you could help me out
on this  here ::)
I have done the following:
1) Download the latest from GIT 
2) Uncomment //#define DEBUG_POLL_WINDOWS" (line 51). in poll_windows.c:  ,
added a debug printout of winusb_handle and transfer->endpoint
3) recompiled libusbx as a static library
4) set LIBUSB_DEBUG=4, run the app, generate trace, please see
5) I also downloaded libusbk dirver, but I am not sure how to use it, right
now I am using zadig_v2.0.1.154
6) I also added a lot of my own logging here, hopefully it will be helpful.
Please let me know if you need anything else from.

Thanks a lot.

Here are some of the related code.

DWORD WINAPI LibUSBDevice::LoopEvent(void* lpParam)
        while (RunLoopCode)
                        struct timeval tv = { 0, 50000 };
                        int completed =0;
                        //cout << "before  libusb_handle_events_timeout " << 
                        cout << "**********" << msg << "Before call
libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed***********" << std::endl;
                        //int err = 
libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed(NULL, &tv,&completed
                        int err=libusb_handle_events_completed(NULL,&completed) 
                        cout << "**********" << msg << "after call
libusb_handle_events_timeout_completed, error # is " << err << "
****************" << std::endl;
                        if (err<0)
                                cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!err calling done
libusb_handle_events_timeout!!!!!!!!!!!!" << std::endl; 
                catch (...)
                        cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!unexpected exception!!!!!" << 

        return 0;

ErrNo LibUSBDevice::BulkRead(   
                                const ULONG                     c_ulPipeNum,    
// IN
                                const uint                      c_uiLength,     
        // IN 
                                DWORD*              bytesRead,      // IN       
                                uint* pbBuffer,                 // IN
                                HANDLE cancelEvent)                     
        const ULONG endpoint=0x80+c_ulPipeNum*2;
        while (!userdata->ExitTransfer) 
                cout << "Bulk Read waiting the call back,c_ulPipeNum:" << 
c_ulPipeNum <<
"c_uiLength:"  << c_uiLength << "............" << std::endl;
                Sleep(1000);    //note : change this number to 100 does not 
make any
        cout << ++cnt << "****************** BulkRead read call 
libusb_handle_events_timeout;data->ByteTransfered:" <<
userdata->ByteTransfered << 
                ";ErrorCode ****************** ;" << userdata-> ErrorCode << 

int LibUSBDevice::BulkWrite(
        const unsigned long                     c_ulPipeNum,    
        const unsigned int                      c_uiLength,             
        uint * pbBuffer,                                
        HANDLE cancelEvent)     

        const unsigned long endpoint=c_ulPipeNum*2;
        while (!userdata->ExitTransfer) 
                cout << "Bulk Write waiting the call back,c_ulPipeNum:" << 
c_ulPipeNum <<
"c_uiLength:"  << c_uiLength << "............" << std::endl;
        cout << ++cnt << "********** Bulk Write  call 
libusb_handle_events_timeout**********" << std::endl;


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