On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 01:49:53PM +0100, atif bajwa wrote:
> Thanks,
> With Xen 3.3, the Xen Client Initiative (XCI) is out, a Xen.org community
> effort to accelerate and coordinate the development of fast, free,
> compatible embedded Xen hypervisors for laptops, PCs and PDAs.
> Don't you think the XenApi or similar technologies be right choice for
> remote management of these.

As developers of libvirt, we believe that users, admins & developers are
best served by an API which is independant of the underlying virtualization
technology. The choice of which hypervisor to use is a deployment question,
and as such applications should not be looked into one particular choice.
XenAPI as an application development API will irrevocably lock you into
the Xen hypervisor.

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|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
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