I'm running libvirt with qemu-kvm underneath.

My network stack has the eth0 interface which is bridged to a br0 interface. 
Usually, when a VM starts up, a new "vnet" interface is created as well by 
libvirt. That vnet interface has a matching HWaddr to the VM that was spun up 
with it, so I'm assuming they're associated somehow.

Sometimes, after using libvirt's "virt-install" to create a VM, I'm unable to 
"virsh start" it. Virsh will print this out to stderr that it couldn't start 
that VM, since the connection was "Reset by peer".

I've yet to find a repro case for this issue. Eventually, I am able to "virsh 
start" the instance, but only after several minutes.

Are there any known issues with libvirt/qemu-kvm failing to instantiate 
network devices when it spins up VMs?

This is printed to the logs as well:

Mar 27 16:21:07 localhost kernel: device vnet42 entered promiscuous mode
Mar 27 16:21:07 localhost kernel: br0: port 44(vnet42) entering forwarding 
Mar 27 16:21:07 localhost logger: KVM: 43 guests now active
Mar 27 16:21:08 localhost kernel: br0: port 44(vnet42) entering disabled 
Mar 27 16:21:08 localhost kernel: device vnet42 left promiscuous mode
Mar 27 16:21:08 localhost kernel: br0: port 44(vnet42) entering disabled 
Mar 27 16:21:08 localhost logger: KVM: 42 guests now active

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