On 15.06.2015 17:48, David Ashley wrote:
> All -
> I represent the Fedora Docs Team. We are interested in publishing a
> Python libvirt HowTo/Reference Guide for users. We feel that there is a
> gap with using virtualization from a scripting environment. While virsh
> fills this gap for simple scripting purposes, a more powerful scripting
> language is needed for deep administrative purposes. Python is the
> obvious choice and the libvirt team has provided a great Python module.
> What is really missing are examples of using the module in both simple
> and deeper tasks i.e. something more than just how to start and stop a
> domain.
> We propose to create such a document. While we can use pydoc to create
> the reference material, we need some really good examples that can teach
> a user how to get real work done using the classes. We also propose to
> share the document with the libvirt team taking either an upstream or
> downstream role in maintaining the document. The document would be
> written in DocBook and published using the Publican system. This would
> allow you to create your own brand for the document (look and feel)
> while maintaining compatible source for both our teams. It would also
> allow the source to be maintained by both teams.
> If this sounds interesting to you we would like to begin our planning
> for the document in the near future with one or more representatives
> from the libvirt team on board. Please let either myself or Laura Novich
> (cc'ed on this email) know if this proposal meets with your approval.

I appreciate any kind of documentation work. If sent, I'll review the
patches too. Also, there's examples/ folder which contains I'd say small
and medium examples:



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