On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 11:47:15AM +0100, Michael Kress wrote:
> Hi, is there a comprehensive howto/tutorial you can recommend me on how
> to set up libvirt with vnc over tls properly?
> What I'm trying to do is to use vnc for production use outside my local
> network and therefore I'd like to secure the vnc sessions. I already
> made some attempts with ssvnc and u...@vnc (both windows clients) but
> these attemps all failed. I can't get the vnc server (launched by
> virt-install / kvm) to be displayed via tls. It all runs perfectly
> without tls.

There are some notes here


For QEMU driver you need to setup /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf suitably and
then restart libvirtd.

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