On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 09:02:40PM +0100, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> The KVM version string can be one of the following:
>   - qemu-kvm-x.y.z in stable releases
>   - kvm-XX for kvm versions up to kvm-85
>   - qemu-kvm-devel-XX for kvm version kvm-86 and later
> There are only a few of places where we need to detect
> differences between KVM versions based on 0.9.1:
>   1) VNET_HDR introduced in kvm-74
>   2) -incoming tcp introduced in kvm-79
>   3) -incoming exec introduced in kvm-80
>   4) -incoming stdio in all earlier kvm versions
> With qemu-kvm-0.10.x, we can now assume that (1) is available
> if it's a KVM release, (2) and (3) is always available and
> (4) is never available.
> So, from now on we should only need to check the qemu version
> number and the "is_kvm" flag for detecting feature availability.
> We only need the KVM version number for older releases.
> Signed-off-by: Mark McLoughlin <mar...@redhat.com>

ACK, though the 'is_kvm' flag is a little redundant, since it is
implied by kvm_version being != 0.

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