
so we are approaching opening date for submitting orgnaization
applications [1]. In order to have perfect application we need to show
Google a list of ideas that students can work on (like they couldn't
google it up, right? ;-)). You can find the list here [2]. Let me ask
you kindly to go through it and:

a) add whatever idea you feel is appropriate,
b) if you have an idea but don't feel like mentoring, leave the 'Mentor'
field empty and I will find somebody.

There is still plenty of time left (I'll probably fill out the
application form at the end of the month), but please don't leave it
until the last hour.

There were some changes to the program discussed on the Mentor Summit,
but I don't see anything announced yet, so stay tuned. As for our
organization, historically we had 1:N mapping of mentors and students
(one mentor could have had one or more students). But last year we tried
out 2:1 mapping and I found it better so probably we will stick to
co-mentoring this year too (as everything, it's recommended not required).

Happy new year!


1: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline
2: http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Google_Summer_of_Code_2017

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