On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:40:42AM +0200, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 06:22:42PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
> > Unlike the pty monitor (which we know exists since we scrape its path from
> > stdout), we have no way of knowing that the unix monitor socket should 
> > exist/
> > be initialized. As a result, some of my KVM guests randomly fail to start on
> > F10 host.
> > 
> > Try to open the unix socket in a 3 second timeout loop. Ignore EACCES (path
> > does not exist if a first time run) and ECONNREFUSED (leftover socket from
> > a previous run hasn't been removed yet). Fixes things for me.
>   It's always a bit annoying to end up with heuristics like this
> but if we don't have any other way, okay, ACK

I don't like it much either, but this is no worse than what we had todo
to find the /dev/pts/XXX path where we waited ina  loop for 3 seconds.
ACK to this patch

Long term we'll need to discuss with QEMU developers to find a better
way todo this without needing a timeout.  One idea is actually instead
of passing a UNIX domain socket path to QEMU, actually create & bind
the socket in libvirt and then pass the pre-opened FD to QEMU. This
would guarentee that we can instantly connect to the monitor. Of course
then the job of waiting passes to the code that sends monitor commands.

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