Jun Koi wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running QEMU via libvirt (using virsh & virt-manager). Now I want
> to get access to the monitor interface of QEMU, so I can issue some
> commands to monitor. Is there anyway to do that?

That isn't supported, because libvirt won't know what you've changed
and can't deal with it in the general case.

If there's a specific feature you need, it would be better to get that
integrated into libvirt directly.

That said, you might be able to go around libvirt's back by killing
libvirt, connecting to the monitor PTY (see /var/run/libvirt/vm.xml
for the location), and then disconnecting and restarting libvirt.  If
you do anything that changes the domain state, though, you'll mess up


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