On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 01:44:23PM +0200, Peter Krempa wrote:
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 13:09:52 +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 11:38:43AM +0200, Peter Krempa wrote:

[ ... yaba daba doo ... ]

I do not find DO_TEST_CAPS_NEW that beneficial - if QEMU introduced a
new capability that needs to be handled by libvirt, the code author
should introduce a new DO_TEST_CAPS_VER test for that.

In such reason, the author adding the code should fork the test by
adding a DO_TEST_CAPS_VER along with the existing DO_TEST_CAPS_NEW and
then add the new capability bit. With such approach it will be even
visible which options changed.


Otherwise it would just be checking whether QEMU did not break something
for us. And since the soonest we update capabilities is at the time of

Actually no. It will also check that something other will not break:

tried to introduce a new property for the memory-backing-file object.
This object is used in multiple places. The property is gated by a
capability bit. Our tests were not able to catch, that this would add
the property to the NVDIMM device which needs to persist the data, which
would actually break it.

Seems _NEW wins here.

While I agree that DO_TEST_CAPS_VER is very useful for checking old
command line, I think that the true value is also in DO_TEST_CAPS_NEW
when used together with DO_TEST_CAPS_VER, so when a new addition would
change some tests using DO_TEST_CAPS_NEW we should fork them to cover
both recent and old versions.

QEMU freeze, that might be later than needed.

With the comment fixed to encourage DO_TEST_CAPS_VER:

I can reword it but I disagree that DO_TEST_CAPS_VER should be used

ACK then, as long as you incorporate Andrea's suggestion to call it


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