On 05/14/2018 07:24 AM, Martin Kletzander wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 03:09:20PM +0100, Maciej Wolny wrote:
>> On 11/05/18 09:42, Martin Kletzander wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 11:53:57AM +0100, Maciej Wolny wrote:
>>>> Support OpenGL accelerated rendering when using SDL graphics in the
>>>> domain config. Add associated test and documentation.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Maciej Wolny <maciej.wo...@codethink.co.uk>
>>>> ---
>>>> docs/formatdomain.html.in                          |  6 +++
>>>> docs/schemas/domaincommon.rng                      |  8 ++++
>>>> src/conf/domain_conf.c                             | 44
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>> src/conf/domain_conf.h                             |  1 +
>>> docs, conf and schemas fit together nicely, they should be in one
>>> patch, but.
>>>> tests/qemuxml2argvdata/video-virtio-gpu-sdl-gl.xml | 38
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++
>>>> .../qemuxml2xmloutdata/video-virtio-gpu-sdl-gl.xml | 45
>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>> tests/qemuxml2xmltest.c                            |  1 +
>>> this has nothing to do with qemu (yet), also see Subject (I wouldn't say
>>> 'qemu:' there, but rather something like 'docs, conf, schema:')
>>> For the XML tests above you can use genericxml2xmltest instead of the
>>> QEMU-specific one.
>> The option only makes sense in QEMU afaik, hence the naming.
> Yes, for now.  If someone who's building the code without QEMU driver
> changes
> the behaviour, the tests will pass if you keep it in qemuxml2xml, however
> genericxml2xml will catch that.  qemuxml2xml should be testing specifics
> where
> you behave based on some more information than just generic XML.
> I hope that's clear.
> Have a nice day.

However, until qemuxml2argvtest can also pull out of genericxml2xmldata,
then you'd have separate xml input and output files - is that what's

Taking a quick look just now - see the graphics-vnc-socket - do we want
to duplicate having two input/output XML files which invariably will
diverge? Ironically the generic one has a domain type == qemu, an
emulator using qemu, and the socket path using QEMU - so while it's
generic in one sense, it's not in others. Even more ironic is the qemu
specific file uses "<graphics type='vnc' socket='/tmp/foo.socket'>".

Could/should generification of the xml2xml tests be considered a "bite
sized task"?


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