On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 4:20 PM Jason Baron <jba...@akamai.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Opening tap devices, such as macvtap, that are created in containers is
> problematic because the interface for opening tap devices is via
> /dev/tapNN and devtmpfs is not typically mounted inside a container as
> its not namespace aware. It is possible to do a mknod() in the
> container, once the tap devices are created, however, since the tap
> devices are created dynamically its not possible to apriori allow access
> to certain major/minor numbers, since we don't know what these are going
> to be. In addition, its desirable to not allow the mknod capability in
> containers. This behavior, I think is somewhat inconsistent with the
> tuntap driver where one can create tuntap devices inside a container by
> first opening /dev/net/tun and then using them by supplying the tuntap
> device name via the ioctl(TUNSETIFF). And since TUNSETIFF validates the
> network namespace, one is limited to opening network devices that belong
> to your current network namespace.
> Here are some options to this issue, that I wanted to get feedback
> about, and just wondering if anybody else has run into this.
> 1)
> Don't create the tap device, such as macvtap in the container. Instead,
> create the tap device outside of the container and then move it into the
> desired container network namespace. In addition, do a mknod() for the
> corresponding /dev/tapNN device from outside the container before doing
> chroot().
> This solution still doesn't allow tap devices to be created inside the
> container. Thus, in the case of kubevirt, which runs libvirtd inside of
> a container, it would mean changing libvirtd to open existing tap
> devices (as opposed to the current behavior of creating new ones). This
> would not require any kernel changes, but as mentioned seems
> inconsistent with the tuntap interface.

For KubeVirt, apart from how exactly the device ends up in the container, I
would want to pursue a way where all network preparations which require
privileges happens from a privileged process *outside* of the container.
Like CNI solutions do it. They run outside, have privileges and then create
devices in the right network/mount namespace or move them there. The final
goal for KubeVirt is that our pod with the qemu process is completely
unprivileged and privileged setup happens from outside.

As a consequence, and depending on which route Dan pursues with the
restructured libvirt, I would assume that either a privileged libvirtd-part
outside of containers creates the devices by entering the right namespaces,
or that libvirt in the container can consume pre-created tun/tap devices,
like qemu.

Best Regards,

> 2)
> Add a new kernel interface for tap devices similar to how /dev/net/tun
> currently works. It might be nice to use TUNSETIFF for tap devices, but
> because tap devices have different fops they can't be easily switched
> after open(). So the suggestion is a new ioctl (TUNGETFDBYNAME?), where
> the tap device name is supplied and a new fd (distinct from the fd
> returned by the open of /dev/net/tun) is returned as an output field as
> part of the new ioctl parameter.
> It may not make sense to have this new ioctl call for /dev/net/tun since
> its really about opening a tap device, so it may make sense to introduce
> it as part of a new device, such as /dev/net/tap. This new ioctl could
> be used for macvtap and ipvtap (or any tap device). I think it might
> also improve performance for tuntap devices themselves, if they are
> opened this way since currently all tun operations such as read() and
> write() take a reference count on the underlying tuntap device, since it
> can be changed via TUNSETIFF. I tested this interface out, so I can
> provide the kernel changes if that's helpful for clarification.
> Thanks,
> -Jason
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