On Fri, Jul 06, 2018 at 05:36:40PM -0400, Anya Harter wrote:
> https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-interface.html
> The following functions have been implemented:
>         - virConnectListAllInterfaces       (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceChangeBegin           (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceChangeCommit          (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceChangeRollback        (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceCreate                (interface method)
>         - virInterfaceDefineXML             (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceDestroy               (interface method)
>         - virInterfaceGetMACString          (property)
>         - virInterfaceGetName               (property)
>         - virInterfaceGetXMLDesc            (interface method)
>         - virInterfaceIsActive              (property)
>         - virInterfaceLookupByMACString     (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceLookupByName          (connect method)
>         - virInterfaceUndefine              (interface method)

Nice work, there are some minor issues that needs to be fixed but
otherwise it looks good.

Only tests are missing but we already discussed that on IRC and it
will require DefineXML & Create APIs because test driver doesn't have
virConnectListAllInterfaces() implemented which is used to get some
interface to work with and there is no CreateXML API to create
temporary interface like we do for NodeDevices.

We usually introduce test case together with the new API and in this
case it would require to change the order of patches to introduce
DefineXML and Create API before introducing tests.


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