On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 05:01:22PM +0200, Cornelia Huck wrote:


> Who is, in general, testing which libvirt version? I can think of:
> - libvirt developers, which will probably run libvirt current git, but
>   more likely a released QEMU?
> - QEMU (and other related tools) developers, who will probably use QEMU
>   current git, but a released libvirt
> - normal (technical) users and (integration) testers, who will probably
>   use released versions of libvirt and QEMU

There is another kind of integration tester -- e.g. FWIW, in Nova I've
been advocating to create a CI job that would do the following:

    - QEMU from Git
    - libvirt from Git
    - Nova from Git

Along with:

    - Latest QEMU release
    - Latest libvirt release
    - Nova from Git

With the aim of seeing what explodes in Nova and file bugs (for the
relevant low-leve components) and coordinate with relevant upstream

    * * *

Further, Nova's libvirt driver defines several version constants.  The
following two are set to a version that is available across a set of
"Linux distributions that matter"[*]

    MIN_LIBVIRT_VERSION = (1, 3, 1)
    MIN_QEMU_VERSION = (2, 5, 0)

(The above are the minimum required versions _today_.)

And at the start of each development cycle (lasts 6 months), we evaluate
what versions are available and update the version matrix[*]:

    NEXT_MIN_QEMU_VERSION = (2, 8, 0)

(The above will be the versions for the _upcoming_ development cycle --
sometime end of this year.)



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