On 10/19/18 8:59 AM, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 08:53:15AM -0600, Jim Fehlig wrote:
On 10/19/18 8:14 AM, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 08:06:18AM -0600, Jim Fehlig wrote:
On 10/19/18 3:11 AM, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 11:08:34AM -0600, Jim Fehlig wrote:
On 10/17/18 12:59 PM, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 08:46:19AM -0600, Jim Fehlig wrote:
I had some couch time at the start of the weekend and was finally able to
try using this series with virt-install. As it turns out, reporting
duplicate <guest> blocks for <os_type> 'xen' is not quite right. Instead we
will want to report the additional <machine> under the existing 'xen'
<guest> blocks.

Is that virt-install limitation? In that case, IMO virt-install should
be fixed, instead of changing capabilities xml to match its limitations.

Perhaps it is a virt-install limitation, but my suggestion was based more on
how the qemu driver reports the different machines

     <arch name='x86_64'>
       <machine maxCpus='255'>pc-i440fx-3.0</machine>
       <machine maxCpus='288'>pc-q35-3.0</machine>

Compare that with reporting PV and PVH in different <guest> blocks, where
the <os_type> and <arch> are the same. It seems confusing from a consumers

     <arch name='x86_64'>

     <arch name='x86_64'>

How should a consumer interpret that? Is the machine for os_type=xen,
arch=x86_64 a xenpv or a xenpvh?

Yes, you are right - any pair of (os_type, arch) should be unique
in the capabilities XML. So all machines should be reported in the
same block.

Our difficulty with that is xenpv and xenpvh machines have different
features. Marek pointed out that the qemu driver reports the "feature"
maxCpus as an attribute on the machine element, but we're hesitant to keep
adding attributes for each feature that is unique to a machine.

Another option we discussed was reporting a superset of all features so that
e.g. (xen, x86_64) block would contain features supported by both PV and PVH
and then rejecting unsupported features when parsing domXML or starting the
VM. This option is rather distasteful.

And we also have the option of adding VIR_DOMAIN_OSTYPE_XENPVH, which I've
shied away from but may be a better way to go in the end. Do you have any
suggestions we may have overlooked?

Oooh, it looks like i've been mis-understanding PVH in all my previous

I thought it was simply a "normal" Xen paravirtualized guest kernel. ie
any 'pv' guest is also a valid 'pvh' guest. Looking at the docs


It appears I was wrong. It says a pvh guest kernel relies on hardware
virt extensions for part of its work and paravirt for other parts. So
really is a hybrid between pv and hvm.

Right. The Xen wiki also has a good writeup about the various guest types


With that in mind, we should indeed have a distinct OS type constant
to express this.

There have been some long threads in the various versions of this series
with a lot of waffling :-). I made a few attempts at summarizing what we
learned about PV vs PVH but could never build a strong case (at least in my
own head) for either of the two modeling approaches


It has a bad name, but essentially you should consider "ostype" to
refer to the   Hypervisor <-> Guest hardware ABI.

This is the key point I didn't consider :-(.

Based on what I read, and your 2 links here, PV is clearly a different
hardware ABI from PVH. Guest kernels needs different modifications for
PV vs PVH.


Sorry I didn't spot this sooner, and let this go off down the blind
alley of switching based on machine type, when we should have used
the ostype :-(

I've been around here long enough that I should have realized your key point above. Marek, I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry and will owe you many drinks of your choice should our paths cross...


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