On Tue, 2020-04-07 at 13:57 +0800, Jiatong Shen wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry in advance if I am asking questions at the wrong place.

A better venue for this kind of question would be the libvirt-users
mailing list, so please keep that in mind for next time :)

> I would like know if we have plans to backport new features to old
> releases, for example block copy remote disks.

We backport security fixes to older releases, but not features.

> If the answer is no,
> then where can I find some guidance on building a libvirt debian
> packages?

So you would like to backport the feature yourself and build a Debian
package out of the result? Be warned, that would probably end up
being a massive amount of work, especially considering that you'd be
targeting a 2+ years old version of libvirt.

Can you really not simply install a newer package? libvirt has very
strong backwards compatibility guarantees, so ideally nothing should
break because of the update.

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

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