With the recent efforts in upstream libvirt to centralize our CI on
gitlab, let's add a new gitlab-specific flavor along with related
playbook tasks. This flavour revolves around installing and configuring
the gitlab-runner agent binary which requires the per-project
registration token to be specified in order for the runner to be
successfully registered with the gitlab server.

Note that as part of the registration process each runner acquires a new
unique access token. This means that we must ensure that the
registration is run only on the first update, otherwise a new runner
with a new access token is registered with the gitlab project.

Signed-off-by: Erik Skultety <eskul...@redhat.com>
 guests/playbooks/update/main.yml         |  5 +++
 guests/playbooks/update/tasks/gitlab.yml | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 guests/playbooks/update/tasks/gitlab.yml

diff --git a/guests/playbooks/update/main.yml b/guests/playbooks/update/main.yml
index a5a4de8..371e53d 100644
--- a/guests/playbooks/update/main.yml
+++ b/guests/playbooks/update/main.yml
@@ -58,3 +58,8 @@
     - include: '{{ playbook_base }}/tasks/jenkins.yml'
         - flavor == 'jenkins'
+    # Install the Gitlab runner agent
+    - include: '{{ playbook_base }}/tasks/gitlab.yml'
+      when:
+        - flavor == 'gitlab'
diff --git a/guests/playbooks/update/tasks/gitlab.yml 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8f731d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guests/playbooks/update/tasks/gitlab.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+- name: Define gitlab-related facts
+  set_fact:
+    gitlab_url: '{{ lookup("file", gitlab_url_file) }}'
+    gitlab_runner_secret: '{{ lookup("file", gitlab_runner_token_file) }}'
+    gitlab_runner_download_url: 
 ansible_system|lower }}-amd64
+    gitlab_runner_config_path: '/home/gitlab/.gitlab-runner/config.toml'
+- name: Download gitlab-runner agent
+  get_url:
+    url: '{{ gitlab_runner_download_url }}'
+    dest: /home/gitlab/bin/gitlab-runner
+    owner: gitlab
+    group: gitlab
+    mode: '0775'
+    force: yes
+- name: Register the gitlab-runner agent
+  become: true
+  become_user: gitlab
+  shell: '/home/gitlab/bin/gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --config 
{{ gitlab_runner_config_path }} --registration-token {{ gitlab_runner_secret }} 
--url {{ gitlab_url }} --executor shell --tag-list {{ inventory_hostname }}'
+  args:
+    creates: '{{ gitlab_runner_config_path }}'
+- block:
+    - name: Install the gitlab-runner service unit
+      template:
+        src: '{{ playbook_base }}/templates/gitlab-runner.service.j2'
+        dest: /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.service
+    - name: Enable the gitlab-runner service
+      systemd:
+        name: gitlab-runner
+        state: started
+        enabled: yes
+        daemon_reload: yes
+  when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'
+- block:
+    - name: Install the gitlab_runner rc service script
+      template:
+        src: '{{ playbook_base }}/templates/gitlab-runner.j2'
+        dest: '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/gitlab_runner'
+        mode: '0755'
+    - name: Enable the gitlab-runner rc service
+      service:
+        name: gitlab_runner
+        state: started
+        enabled: yes
+  when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'

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