On Tue, 2020-07-07 at 15:00 +0300, Nikolay Shirokovskiy wrote:
> Add headers with declarations of  geteuid/getegid
> and virGetUserName/virGetGroupName.

Can you share the exact error message you're hitting? Our CI seems to
be perfectly happy with the current status quo. Specifically, the
x86-centos-7 job, the only one which is supposed to be able to build
the OpenVZ driver, is green.

Looking at the raw log[1] for the latest instance of the job, you can
see that the vz driver is enabled (vz: yes), but the vstorage driver
is not (Virtuozzo storage: no). From the configure output, the reason
seems clear:

  checking for vstorage... no
  checking for vstorage-mount... no

The CentOS 7 container that we use for builds has libprlsdk-devel and
friends installed from the official repository[2]... Although, now
that I look at it there's apparently a newer release[3] out, so we
should probably switch to it.

Another thing: the spec file calls configure with hardcoded


and there is no binary package definition for anything like


which would probably be nice to have enabled at least on CentOS 7?
Funnily enough, we actually already have

  %if 0%{?rhel}
    %define with_vz 0

so clearly at some point there was the intention to conditionally
include or exclude these drivers from the build.

One thing at a time, though. First, how do we get the vstorage
commands included in the CentOS 7 container? What packages need to
be installed, and from what repository?

As an aside, I'm still very confused by the vz/openvz dichotomy.
AFAICT, the latter can be (and in fact is) built unconditionally,
but the former requires the "Parallels SDK" packages to be installed:
baffingly enough, said SDK is obtained from the repository mentioned
above, which just so happens to include the string "openvz" twice in
its URL...

[2] https://download.openvz.org/virtuozzo/releases/openvz-7.0.11-235/x86_64/os
[3] https://download.openvz.org/virtuozzo/releases/openvz-7.0.14-136/x86_64/os
Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

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